This page contains a list of things you can do to 
prepare your home for a disaster. 

Follow these steps and in 32 weeks you will be 
reasonably well prepared for most things 
Momma nature can throw at us.   


Week 1

Get portable containers for each family member; a plastic bucket, a backpack, or a suitcase etc. Plan for a means of transporting if necessary; a wagon, luggage cart, grocery cart etc. Select a suitable location for the containers and inform all family members where they are.

Week 2

Post emergency numbers near each telephone. Teach each member of the family these numbers including the number of a friend or relative who lives in a different province and can be a contact person for your family. Put in each container: 1- 6 oz. can of tuna or chicken, as well as eating utensils and a can opener.

Week 3

Plan and practice family evacuation drills using 2 different escape routes from each room and meet outside at an appointed place. Put in each container: 1 can Vienna sausages or other canned meat and 1 box raisins or other dried fruit. 

Week 4

Put in each container: 3 granola bars and 3 8 oz. cans of fruit juice.

Week 5

Put in each container: 2 large (30-40 gal) plastic bags (to be used as poncho, ground cover or blanket, 6 medium (13 gal.) plastic bags, a plastic cup and dish.

Week 6

Put in each container: 1 small package Kleenex, 1 can nuts, small container of nut butter and honey and a 3 day supply of pet food (if applicable).

Week 7

Add 1 change of clothing for each person: underwear, socks, shirts, pants, sweater, hat, work gloves (for those doing clean up), jacket and sturdy shoes.

Week 8

Water: 1.5 to 3 gallons per person. You might want to consider a separate means of transporting water for the whole family.

Week 9

Put 1/2 pound powdered milk and 1 envelope powdered fruit juice in each kit.

Week 10

Put in each container: 3 sticks of jerky, 3- 8 oz. cans of fruit (peaches, applesauce etc.).

Week 11

Put in each container: 1/2 pound trail mix and 3 vitamin-mineral supplements tablets.

Week 12

Put in each container: bedding. This could be a sleeping bag or blanket, 1 cloth sheet and 1 plastic sheet for a ground cover. In practicing your evacuation drill, train family members to quickly roll up sheet and blankets together as they get out of bed and bring them as they leave their rooms.

Week 13

Put in each container: brush and or comb, toothbrush and toothpaste.

Week 14

Put in each container: 6 safety pins of assorted sizes, 1 towel, a washcloth and 1 bar of soap, a flashlight and batteries.

Week 15

Put in each container: 1 tube of chapstick and 10 quarters for the phone (if it works).

Week 16

Put in each container: 6 individual wrapped handiwipes, 15 paper towels, sanitary pads and rolled up newspaper.

Week 17

Put in each container of each person over 12 years of age: 12 waterproofed matches and a striker or piece of sandpaper, 1 candle in a jar, a small pocketknife or paring knife.

Week 18

Put in each container: 1 pkg. rice cakes, paper, pencil, game or deck of cards. Fill out medical release forms for each minor child in the family and put in the appropriate container.

Week 19

Put in each container: 1 can pork and beans, 3 fruit rolls.

Week 20

Put in ONE container: 10 - 20 ft. length of rope, water purification tablets or medicine dropper and small bottle of chlorine bleach, a bar of soap and a soap dish.

Week 21

Put in ONE container: sunscreen, hand lotion, fingernail clippers, deodorant, small bottle of aspirin or Tylenol.

Week 22

Put in ONE container: battery operated radio with extra batteries and some favourite books.

Week 23

Put in ONE container: mirror, razor and shaving cream, Q-tips, sore throat lozenges, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, band-aids and adhesive tape.

Week 24

Put in ONE container: diarrhea remedy, elastic bandages, gauze, upset stomach remedy and 6 gauze pads.

Week 25

Put in ONE container: scissors, tweezers, triangular bandage, needle and thread, mineral oil.

Week 26

Put in ONE container: FIRST AID BOOK!!, sanitary pads to stop bleeding, burn medication, and prescriptions (put individual prescriptions in corresponding containers).

Week 27

Get a large bucket with a tight fitting lid to use as a toilet. Use the room inside to store an axe and folding shovel maybe.

Week 28

Put in ONE container: small container of detergent, dishpan, screwdriver, pliers, pet collars.

Week 29

Put in ONE container: small hammer and nails, electrical tape, adjustable wrench and signal flares.

Week 30

Put in ONE container: spare car and house keys, spare glasses etc., whistle and string.

Week 31

Assemble in accessible place for evacuation: personal documents i.e. photos, wills, insurance, passport and an inventory of possessions.

Week 32

If you have an infant in the family you will need: disposable bottles and nipples, warm sleepers, disposable diapers, formula, warm blanket, hooded jacket, baby food, crackers, toys, baby Tylenol, Vaseline and a change of clothes or two.

Yippee, you are done! Now be sure to get all your neighbors to do this too, or they will all be at your place eating your stuff. hehehe


Let me know what you think.





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Sid, the Neighbor Homepages and Homemade Bread


Last Updated: December 30, 2001